Commonly asked questions

You may have a number of questions about your care, or the care of your whānau member or someone you’re providing care for.

Please contact us if you if you don’t find the answer to your question below. We are always happy help.

We also have a number of resources available here if you would like further information and Hospice New Zealand provides extensive information about Hospice care and palliative care in New Zealand.

You can find answers to some common questions by clicking the arrows.

  • Life limiting illness is a term used to describe an incurable condition that will shorten a person’s life, though they may continue to live active lives for many years.

    There is a wide range of life limiting illnesses which include heart failure, lung disease, neurological conditions, such as Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis, and cancer that is no longer responding to any treatment intended to cure.

    People with life limiting conditions can benefit from Hospice care and support.

    You do not need a referral to access our services. Please feel free to make an enquiry if you have any questions or if you would like our support.

  • Hospice is a philosophy of care which focuses on supporting the needs of people who have a life limiting or terminal illness.

    It’s a wrap-around service of care so it’s not just a building and not just doctors and nurses.

    The aim of this care is to maximise the quality of a person’s life through care that extends beyond the physical needs of a person to their emotional, social and spiritual needs as well.

    Please make an enquiry if you would like to know more.

  • It is the care provided for people who have reached a stage where their condition or illness is terminal.

    Palliative care services are aimed at improving the quality of life for the person and their whānau.

    In Wairarapa, the Hospice Wairarapa team work alongside other specialist organisations as part of a network to provide palliative care for those with life limiting illness in our community.

    The network is called The Wairarapa Palliative Care Service and includes Kahukura, the specialist palliative care nursing service in Wairarapa along with FOCUS, the Needs Assessment and Service Coordination Agency.

    Each organisation, including Hospice Wairarapa, provides different specialist care services in the community. The network aims to provide quality, coordinated palliative care and supportive care services across the region.

  • All our staff and volunteers are trained in the supportive care that we provide. Our team works together to match the right volunteer with you.

    We are happy to discuss your needs to find the right care companion or support that you need at any stage.

  • Yes, we raise the funds for the vast majority supportive care services we provide so it is provided completely free of charge to those who need it in the Wairarapa community.

  • Yes, absolutely, at any stage. We offer many supportive care services, some may be appropriate immediately and others you may choose to use at a different time.

    We are happy to discuss or change any of the services that we provide if don’t suit you.