In-home support for clients and whānau

Our care companion programme supports clients, whānau and carers in the home.

Trained hospice volunteers offer care and companionship as well as practical help around the home if required.

This service is designed to promote and support the quality of life for you at home, as well as provide a break for carers to support their wellbeing. The support could be a friendly phone call, driving and social visiting, or giving carers a break to go to an appointment or have some time for themselves.

We’ll meet with you and talk about the services we offer, and how we can best meet your needs. Our care companion volunteers are matched accordingly.

Hospice Wairarapa services are available free of charge to all those with life limiting illness in Wairarapa, including whānau and carers. Our care services are provided in a safe, compassionate and supportive environment.

Other services we offer

Our support is tailored to individual physical, emotional, social, cultural and spiritual needs and these factors are taken into account to help optimise the quality of life for our clients.

The other services and resources available to you include: